THE TRUE ARTIST by Bruce Nauman

アメリカ人アーティスト、ブルース・ナウマン(Bruce Nauman)の作品集。作者の作品を最も包括的に紹介する一冊。



Newsweek』のアート批評家としてよく知られるピーター・プラーゲンス(Peter Plagens)と作者は40年以上もの間親しい仲であり、プラーゲンスは本書を「作者の作品の本質に迫ろうとしている」と説明する。カリフォルニア州のパサデナにお互いがワンブロックほどの距離にスタジオを持っていた1970年に初めて出会い、毎週日曜日に一緒にバスケをする仲であったそうだ。プラーゲンスはその時から友人のアートを理解しようと励み、本書では、ニューメキシコ州ガリステオにある作者のスタジオでの作品制作の様子や、展覧会の企画、設置、レセプションの様子など、プラーゲンスならではの鋭い視点で紹介する。作品を紐解くべく編み出した独自の試みを用いて、プラーゲンスは作者に精通した興味をそそるガイドとなる。更に、現代美術におけるキーパーソンにまつわる、鮮明で、パーソナルで、啓発的な解釈を読者に提供する談話も収録する。

"Bruce Nauman: The True Artist offers the fullest survey yet of this protean artist’s work. [Peter Plagens’s] first‐person journalistic tack is a welcome approach to an artist who often attracts jargon‐fond academics."—The New York Times Book Review

"Bruce Nauman is known for almost always saying no to retrospectives, interviews, or anything else that might "totalize", as he’s said to put it, his work and career. So this month’s publication of Phaidon’s monograph on the artist, Bruce Nauman: The True Artist, is a red‐letter occasion, if only because it represents one of the rare moments when Nauman said yes. Written by Peter Plagens, an abstract painter who was the art critic for Newsweek from 1989 to 2003, the book has been in the works since 2008 – or even longer, if you count the fact that Phaidon’s co‐publisher, Amanda Renshaw, had been trying to get Nauman to agree to a project since she joined the company more than 20 years ago... While Nauman looms as a cross between the Marlboro Man and an art‐world Greta Garbo, Plagens is an unrepentant chatterbox who tends toward mighty digressions. But that’s also what makes the book such a delight. Full of riffs on subjects ranging from the use of neon in art to the history of the Venice Biennale, it’s as much a social history of the modern‐day art world as it is a guide to Nauman’s life and career."—Carol Kino, The Wall Street Journal

"An astute observer of the contemporary art scene from his days as Nauman’s neighbor in 1970s Los Angeles, Plagens gives us a vivid vignette of the artist... This book will remain the definitive monograph for years to come."—ARTnews

"In this meticulous authorized monograph, critic Plagens, a longtime friend of Nauman, weaves historical context, critical perspective, and his own reflections to study the career of one of the most, if not the most, influential artists of the last half‐century."—Publishers Weekly

"Plagens’s new book on Nauman is the closest I, and most of the world, may ever get to the artist."—Justin Jones, The Daily Beast

"[Plagens] seeks to view the subject whole. His approach is not one of scholarly distance but of personal engagement and strong opinion."—Art in America

by Bruce Nauman

REGULAR PRICE ¥19,800  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9780714849959

288 pages
238 x 305 mm

published by PHAIDON

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