LE CORBUSIER ALBUM PUNJAB, 1951 by Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Maristella Casciato

スイス人建築家、ル・コルビュジエ(Le Corbusier)とピエール・ジャンヌレ(Pierre Jeanneret)の作品集。建築史家のマリステッラ・カシアト(Maristella Casciato)が著者として解説エッセイを寄せる。





This reprint of the notebook “Album Punjab Simla. Chandigarh, Mars 1951” kept by Le Corbusier (1887–1965) during his two-week visit to the Indian state of Punjab in anticipation of the planning and construction of Chandigarh, presents his written or sketched memos and personal reflections as well as notes and schematic solutions elaborated during meetings. The Album Punjab constitutes a primary source for reconstructing the topics addressed by the small team of architects and governmental officials who in only a few days developed the outlines of the Chandigarh plan.

The spiralbound notebook facsimile is accompanied by a paperback volume featuring previously unpublished photographs taken by Le Corbusier’s cousin Pierre Jeanneret (1896–1967) during this early expedition. The detailed commentary by architectural historian Maristella Casciato reflects upon the variety of topics assembled in the notebook and retraces the story of these days in which the new capital city was planned. By transcribing Le Corbusier’s famously illegible handwriting in French and English, this book allows its readers complete access to the architect’s mind.

by Le Corbusier , Maristella Casciato , Pierre Jeanneret

REGULAR PRICE ¥16,500  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9783037787069

2 softcovers in a slipcase
64 + 144 pages
234 x 315 mm each
color, black and white


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