RICHARD SERRA: 2022 by Richard Serra

アメリカ人アーティスト、リチャード・セラ(Richard Serra)の作品集。近年公開された鍛鋼の彫刻作品や、自身のトレードマークであるペイントスティック(最近ではリトグラフを描画する際に用いるクレヨンを溶かしてレンガ状にしたもの)の技法を用いた新作のドローイングを考察した一冊。

不可解で、印象的で、奔放。リチャード・セラの現在と未来がここにある」ーブルックリン・レイル(The Brooklyn Rail)誌



A studious view of Richard Serra’s recently premiered forged-steel sculpture and new drawings using his trademark paintstick technique

Enigmatic, arresting, audacious: Richard Serra now and forever.” —The Brooklyn Rail

Richard Serra’s hugely successful body of work consistently explores the possibilities of form and matter. Serra’s steel sculptures are held in major collections internationally, and his drawings assert themselves as abstract victories. Through the use of black paintstick—a combination of oil paint, wax, and pigment, to which he has used since 1971—Serra’s drawings convey a strong sense of optical weight, acutely similar to the physical presence of his sculptures. 2022, the artist’s largest single forged round to date, investigates properties of weight and scale. While the exhibition allowed viewers to encounter Serra’s immense forged round and inky drawings in relation to their own space and bodies, the catalogue is an opportunity for intimate engagement with Serra’s works through stunning reproductions.

by Richard Serra

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,000  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781644231050

84 pages
241 x 298 mm
color, black and white