EARLY AND LATE by Robert Ryman

アメリカ人アーティスト、ロバート・ライマン(Robert Ryman)の作品集。1960年代初期における形成期の作品群と共に、晩年の絵画シリーズまで幅広く紹介する一冊。1960年代、その先鋭的で独創的な作品が繰り広げる幅広いパラメーターを着実に作者は確立し始めた。当初、1960年代後半から1970年代前半にかけて制作された作品で世に名が知られたため、初期の絵画作品はあまり注目されてこなかった。



作家であり評論家のジェフリー・カストナー(Jeffrey Kastner)、美術評論家でありキュレーター、活動家のルーシー・リッパード(Lucy Lippard)、キュレーターであり、作家、近現代美術コンサルタントであるディーター・シュヴァルツ(Dieter Schwarz)がテキストを寄せる。

Texts by Jeffrey Kastner, Lucy Lippard, and Dieter Schwarz

An extensive look at Robert Ryman’s formative work from the early 1960s, as well as his last series of paintings

In the 1960s, Robert Ryman began to firmly establish the broad parameters of his radical and inventive practice. While he initially gained recognition for work he made in the late 1960s and early 1970s, his earlier paintings have remained less widely seen.

This publication includes representative works of all facets of Ryman’s painterly practice during this time—influenced by his career as a jazz musician—including his use of thick impasto brushstrokes on both stretched and unstretched canvas; heavily or sparsely worked paintings in both small and large formats; and a group of rarely seen works on raw linen, each featuring one or several seemingly complete, independent compositions. Many of these works feature subtle suggestions of colorful underpainting that leave an outsized effect on the viewing experience, while in other works Ryman’s assertive use of green, red, and blue intensifies the visual presence of the various white tones.

Revealing the breadth of Ryman’s work, this catalogue also includes a selection of drawings, many of which were made concurrently with the early works, as well as his last paintings. The final canvases demonstrate the inexhaustible and probing nature of Ryman’s singular approach to painting over his five-decade career. The details reveal the visual presence of various white tones, creating an interplay between color and absence and dimensionality that characterizes much of Ryman’s oeuvre.

by Robert Ryman

REGULAR PRICE ¥15,400  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781644231456

192 pages
225 x 300 mm