アメリカ人彫刻家でありアーティストのルース・アサワ(Ruth Asawa)による作品集。
長いキャリアを重ね多くの作品を生んできた作者は、そのプロセスを通じて革新的な彫刻作品を作り出した。そのワイヤーという素材を追求するために、作者は1947年に訪れたメキシコで学んだ手工業的な技法を使い、時を経るごとにますます複雑化していく形を置い続けていた。1949年に「ブラック・マウンテン・カレッジ(Black Mountain College)」で学んだのち、サン・フランシスコへ移住、そこでも多くのワイヤー作品を制作した。また、サンフランシスコ市ギラデリ・スクエアの銅の人魚の噴水が、初めての具象的芸術作品であり、数多い公共の場での噴水作品のうち作者を有名にしたものである。
“Doing is living. That is all that matters.”—Ruth Asawa
Throughout her long and prolific career American artist Ruth Asawa (1926–2013) developed innovative sculptures in wire, a medium she explored through increasingly complex forms using craft-based techniques she learned while traveling in Mexico in 1947. In 1949, after studying at Black Mountain College, Asawa moved to San Francisco and created dozens of wire works, among them an iconic bronze fountain—the first of many public commissions—for the city’s Ghirardelli Square.
Bringing together examples from across Asawa’s full and extraordinary career, this expansive volume serves as an unprecedented reorientation of her sculptures within the historical context of 20th-century art. In particular, it includes careful consideration of Asawa’s advocacy for arts education in public schools, while simultaneously focusing on her vital—and long under-recognized—contributions to the field of sculpture. Insightful essays explore the intersection of formal experimentation and identity to offer a fresh assessment of this celebrated artist. Richly illustrated with exquisite new installation views, Ruth Asawa: Life’s Work introduces original scholarship that traces the dynamic evolution of form in the artist’s work.
Tamara H. Schenkenberg is curator at the Pulitzer Arts Foundation in St. Louis.