GRASS by Michele Tagliaferri

イタリア人写真家、ミケーレ・タグリアーフェリー(Michele Tagliaferri)自身初となる作品集。捕らえたイメージを再現するという元来の写真の特性は、決められたフレームの中に物語や風景が収められている。作者はそのフレームの境界線を超え、写真が撮られた原点に戻るという思想を元に作品を制作。本来写真の撮らえうる範囲を超えることによりフレームの外にあるイメージも観る者に想像させ、我々を取り巻く生命や破壊していく力を捉えた一冊。オランダ人デザイナー「-SYB-」によるブックデザイン。

Because of its own nature, every photograph is born to reproduce an image. Faces, stories and landscapes are all framed and fixed forever within the four corners of the print. Nevertheless, it would be wonderful if these corners could be somehow opened, thus breaking the perimeter of the photograph and letting the image return to the world it once came from. Every thing, every person, every single image is imprisoned within its own figure, within the corners of the shape it has fallen into. But if we manage to scratch the surface enveloping it, it is possible to grasp the energy kept within. An invincible energy that creates, transforms and destroys the life that surrounds us. The photographs in GRASS search for this energy. As we do.

by Michele Tagliaferri

REGULAR PRICE ¥6,600  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 978-8-4606860-7-1

96 pages
310 x 220 mm
limited edition of 600 copies

published by DALPINE