AMOUR by Claudine Doury

フランス人フォトグラファー、クロディーヌ・ドゥーリー(Claudine Doury)の作品集。ロシアを流れるアムール川を30年間に渡り追いかけた作者の日々の記録。1991年、1997年そして2018年に川辺を旅し、イメージを撮り溜めた。世代交代が進むにつれて川を取り巻く環境も変化し、シベリア人を祖先に持つ人々の伝統も消え去っていった。自身のオデッセイ(長い冒険)の間、川の周りで暮らす家族や風景との関係性をじっくり時間をかけて育て、力強い不朽のイメージを作り出した。モノクロとカラーの写真、アーカイブの中のイメージをまとめた本書は、作者がこの土地と歴史との間に築いた親密で繊細な絆を示している。


Amour diaries photographer Claudine Doury thirty year quest along the banks of the Amur River in Russia. She journeyed along its banks in 1991, 1997 and 2018, making images that meet together in this book. As generations pass, the surroundings of the river shift and the traditions of the Siberian-descended people – wither. During her ‘odyssey’, the ties Claudine Doury patiently wove with the families and landscapes around the river translated into powerful and timeless images. Amour brings together her black and white and colour photographs with archival images, and reveals the photographer’s intimate and sensitive relationship with this territory and its history.

All they know is that in winter people arrive from the far north on reindeers to buy some bread, but not even the old men know what sort of people they are or where they come from.
– Anton Chekhov, The Island: A journey to Sakhalin, Washington Square Press, 1967

by Claudine Doury

REGULAR PRICE ¥8,140  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 979-10-96383-15-3

104 pages
190 x 250 mm
color, black and white

published by CHOSE COMMUNE