BEAUTY LIES IN THE EYE by Catherine Ceresole

スイス人フォトグラファー、カトリーヌ・セレソール(Catherine Ceresole)の作品集。作者と夫のニコラは、70年代のニューヨークのアンダーグラウンド・ミュージックシーンに魅せられ、1979年にニコラがオーディオ・エンジニアとしての修行を始めるタイミングを見計らい2人で移住した。すぐに数多くのミュージシャンと親しくなり、パンク、ノーウェーブ、アバンギャルド・ミュージック・シーンを、親しさやドラマチックさを感じさせるユニークな写真に収めることができた。ソニック・ユース(Sonic Youth)、リディア・ランチ(Lydia Lunch)、グレン・ブランカ(Glenn Branca)、アート・リンゼイ(Arto Lindsay)、クリスチャン・マークレー(Christian Marclay)、ビースティ・ボーイズ(the Beastie Boys)など、多くのアーティストたちを親密な距離感で決定的な瞬間を撮影した、視覚的な音楽史ともいえる一冊。

In 1979 Catherine Ceresole and her husband Nicolas moved to New York, where he was to begin training as an audio engineer. In truth, however, the couple went there because they were captivated by the city’s underground music scene. They soon became friendly with a number of musicians who Catherine began to photograph at concerts and in intimate settings. The result was a unique photographic documentary of the New York punk, no-wave and avant-garde music scene during its heyday. With her keen eye for dramatic moments, she captured them all on film: Sonic Youth, Lydia Lunch, Glenn Branca, Arto Lindsay, Christian Marclay, the Beastie Boys and many others. After they returned to Switzerland, Catherine Ceresole continued to photograph musicians and their bands — with an unfailing ear and keen eye. The book is a visual music history of the last decades, presenting the work of this unique photographer to a broad public for the first time.

Texts by Christian Marclay, Thurston Moore, Rhys Chatham, Mark Cunningham, Lee Ranaldo, Alan Licht, and a conversation between Catherine Ceresole and Emmanuel Grandjean, along with Nicolas Ceresole and Francis Baudevin.

by Catherine Ceresole

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,550  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9783905929430

312 pages
210 x 285 mm
color, black and white