MOUTH WAVE by Victoria Morton

スコットランド人アーティスト、ヴィクトリア・モートン(Victoria Morton)の作品集。2014年にラットホールギャラリーで開催された展覧会「Mouth Wave」に伴い刊行された。







ヴィクトリア・モートンは世界各地で展覧会を開催するほか、パフォーマンス集団Elizabeth Goの一員としての共同制作や、バンドMuscles of Joyで実験音楽の演奏なども行なっています。Glasgow School of Artで1993年に絵画文学士号、1995年には修士号を取得し、現在はグラスゴーとフォッソンブローネ(イタリア)で制作を行なっています。

Official Press Release:

Rat Hole Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition of Glasgow-based artist Victoria Morton on view from February 14 until May 25, 2014. The exhibition will present an installation of paintings and sculptural works and marks the first time for the artist’s work to be shown in Japan.

Born in 1971 in Glasgow, Scotland, Victoria Morton is known for her intricate paintings that combine multiple layers of vivid colors and delicate luminosity, together with movement, repetition, and fragmentation, to metaphorically evoke mental, emotional, and moral states. Appearing as abstract compositions with densely detailed, watercolor-like layers of oil and thick brushstrokes, her paintings also reveal traces of representation and figuration, reflecting personal narratives as well as a diverse range of influences from musical composition, historical dialogues, and everyday life. Through her work, Morton explores a continuous unfolding of visual and spatial possibilities within the genre of painting and how it operates psychologically on the viewer.

The artist also incorporates sculpture, sound, photography, and video to create installations that further expand the space of painting and draw parallels upon interdependent physical and cognitive relationships. Objects used by Morton in her sculptural assemblages, which include for example a musical instrument, a piece of clothing, or a ladder, serve to create an environment for the paintings while adding a dimension of performance. This complex web of different elements, which all feed into each other and represent a continuation of the same process, creates a kind realism that places the viewer as the protagonist. For her installation at Rat Hole Gallery, two new large-scale paintings and two sculptural assemblages, Swinging Sleeves For An Unmarried Woman (2011), comprised of objects including cymbals and an antique Italian bed head, and Kimono (2011), which integrates an element of sound, will be shown in the gallery space.

According to the artist, “the impulse to make comes from bodily drive as well as the desire to pursue the mental exercise of creating, disrupting, and reforming complex images.” Building a sense of time into her work, as well as a process of change and coming into being, Morton’s explorations of dissolution and materialization are suggestive of psychological situations and the conscious and unconscious gestures that take place in our day-to-day lives.

In addition to exhibiting internationally, Morton has made collaborative work as a member of the performance and installation group Elizabeth Go and plays in the band Muscles of Joy. She graduated with a BA in painting from the Glasgow School of Art in 1993, followed by and MFA in 1995, and lives and works in Glasgow and Fossombrone, Italy.

by Victoria Morton

REGULAR PRICE ¥4,950  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9784907354190

136 pages
285 x 360 mm
limited edition of 1,000 copies

published by RAT HOLE GALLERY

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