BUGGIES by Toni Schmale

ドイツ人アーティスト、トニ・シュマーレ(Toni Schmale)の作品集。

版元である「ROOKIE BOOKS」はスイスのバーゼルを拠点し、ヴィジュアルアーティストであるカミーロ・パラヴィチーニ(Camillo Paravicini)によって2022年に設立された。アーティストがデザインした児童書を専門としている。

Toni Schmale’s steel and concrete sculptures often evoke associations with machines and apparatuses that have a purpose, like torture devices, fitness equipment, or even combine harvesters. They are a collage of different machines, put together to form something new. It feels like the sculpture could be capable of something, but the object itself makes no suggestion as to what action might be required. Schmale’s enigmatic creations really only come alive through the viewer’s fertile imagination. The “buggies” the artist crafted from steel remnants found in her Vienna studio vividly demonstrate the creative and inventive potential of seemingly worthless found materials. 

by Toni Schmale

REGULAR PRICE ¥7,150  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9783952569047

16 pages
180 x 255 mm
color, black and white

published by ROOKIE BOOKS

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