FALLEN ANGELS by Anselm Kiefer

ドイツ人アーティスト、アンゼルム・キーファー(Anselm Kiefer)の作品集。2024年3月から7月にかけてイタリアの「パラッツォ・ストロッツィ財団(Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi)」で開催された展覧会に伴い刊行された。

フィレンツェに建つ歴史的建造物「ストロッツィ宮殿(Palazzo Strozzi)」は、20世紀後半から21世紀初頭の芸術において最も偉大な巨匠の一人である作者を招き展覧会を開催した。記憶、神話、戦争、存在をテーマとした印象的な作品で知られる作者は、このルネサンス様式の宮殿建築やイタリアの歴史と対話を交わしながら、独創的な表現をもって、これまでに制作された作品や新作を通じて作者が描いてきた旅路へと我々を誘う。


Kiefer’s dramatic, metallic paintings and sculptures staged within the walls of a cinquecento palace.

The historic Palazzo Strozzi in Florence welcomes one of the greatest masters of art of the late 20th and early 21st century: Anselm Kiefer. Famous for his striking works that investigate the themes of memory, myth, war and existence, Kiefer presents an itinerary through his historical works and new productions, in an original dialogue with the Palazzo’s architecture and Italian history.

Each of Kiefer’s paintings and sculptures expresses a monumentality and powerful materiality, part of the infinite wealth of resources with which he probes the depths of memory and the past. From the beginning of his career, he has embarked on an artistic journey in which history, religion, mysticism, poetry and philosophy combine and mingle. His late 1960s works were among the first to reflect on the history of World War II and Germany’s emotional and cultural legacy. Yet in this consequential space, Kiefer’s drastic compositions layered in gold and silver take on a new significance in the context of the theatrical and deeply religious paintings of the Italian Renaissance. This exhibition, and its dazzling monograph, restores the vital complexity of Kiefer’s art: celebrating its interweaving of figural art and abstraction, nature and artificiality, creation and destruction, in a strong engagement for the public in the physical and conceptual space of his works.

by Anselm Kiefer

REGULAR PRICE ¥9,900  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9791254631812

192 pages
216 x 296 mm

published by MARSILIO ARTE