MODELS AND PROTOCOLS by Andrzej Steinbach

ポーランド出身のドイツ人フォトグラファー、アンジェイ・スタインバッハ(Andrzej Steinbach)の作品集。作者の創作活動は、写真、サウンド、ビデオ作品、彫刻、インスタレーションなど多岐にわたるが、実は写真分野に最も焦点が当てられている。本書では、道具の美学について研究する新しい作品シリーズに特に注力を注いでおり、とりわけ、「無題(ライプツィヒの旧外国人登録局のドア枠)」、「無題(300本の釘)」、「無題(バトン)」と呼ばれているものがそれにあたる。

本書は2022年に「クンストハレ / ハンブルク美術館(Kunstverein in Hamburg)」で開催された、作者にとって初の大規模個展に伴い刊行された。英語版。

While the artistic practice of Andrzej Steinbach includes the medium of photography, sound, video works, sculptures as well as installations, he finds his focus in the field of photography. The publication Andrzej Steinbach: Models and Protocols therefore presents a particular focus on the new series of works that deal with the aesthetics of tools. They are called, among others, Untitled ( Door frame from the former Registration Authority for Foreign Nationals in Leipzig), Untitled (Three hundred nails), Untitled (Baton).

In the book, three texts deal with the specific working method of the artist. Florian Ebner situates them in contemporary photography, Bettina Steinbrügge examines the aspect of branding, and Lucy Gallun is concerned with installations.

Andrzej Steinbach: Models and Protocols was prepared on the occasion of the artist's first major institutional solo exhibition, which was on view at the Kunstverein in Hamburg in 2022.

by Andrzej Steinbach

REGULAR PRICE ¥7,150  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9783959057271

104 pages
220 x 280 mm    
color, black and white


published by SPECTOR BOOKS