SLUGS by Rose Salane

ニューヨークを拠点に活動するアメリカ人アーティスト、ローズ・サレーヌ(Rose Salane)の作品集。「ニューヨーク州都市交通局(New York Metropolitan Transit Authority / 通称:MTA)」がオークションで出品した、ニューヨークの通勤客が精算機のシステムを騙すために使う『偽造コイン(=スラッグ)』を作者が購入し、集めたものをまとめた一冊。作者は、個人やオークション、ネットから入手した物を使ってニューヨークの物語を紡ぐ。


On February 11, 2020 I received notification from the NYC Metropolitan Transit Authority that it had accepted my Asset Recovery Auction bid for seventeen bags containing 64,000 “slug” coins. The MTA’s Asset Recovery Division claimed these slugs had been accumulated during the years 2017-2019 and were used by commuters to pay for bus fares. Since receiving this collection of counterfeit currency, I have organized the slugs into five categories based on the repetitive patterns of Faith, Place, Chance, Imitation and Blank that were present in every sifted handful. The information on the coins has led me to transcribe a random selection of histories, specific to the commuters that held them. Each coin marks a succession of fragments in time, place and movement experienced by individuals as they passed through the system.

This archive is dedicated to those who created it — the commuters of New York City, who on a daily basis circulate in and contribute to one of the most rigorous and diverse contact points in the world.” – Rose Salane

by Rose Salane

REGULAR PRICE ¥12,100  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9798885898218

654 pages
215 x 265 mm
limited edition of 500 copies