A DIM COZY ROOM by Shigeo Otake

日本人アーティスト、大竹茂夫の作品集。芸術家であり研究者でもある作者にとって初めての作品集である本作は、不思議な世界観を持つ作者の絵画作品に登場する幻想的な生き物たちを紹介する。その姿は、身体の一部が人の姿を成し、別の部分は菌類の姿をしている。64点の絵画作品に加え、フィールド・リサーチで撮影したカラー写真38点、作者によるエッセイを収録し、40年のキャリアにおける奇妙なヴィジョン、作者の言葉を借りるのであれば「日常と異世界が共存する 」ヴィジョンの変遷を明らかにする。


若き日に学んだイタリアやスペインの中世・ルネサンス期の宗教美術のように、作者の絵画は精密な筆致をもって、作品に神聖なオーラを吹き込むような生き生きとした構図と柔らかくも宝石のような色調で描かれている。ルネサンス期のオランダの画家であるヒエロニムス・ボス(Hieronymus Bosch)が生む狂気じみた奇抜な表現、ピーテル・ブリューゲル(父)(Pieter Bruegel the Elder)の謝肉祭(カーニバル)の風景画からもインスピレーションを受け、作者の遊び心溢れるグロテスクな絵画は、我々の運命や自然界の運命についてひとときの思索を誘うべく、観る者の注意をしっかりと引きつける。

American Art Catalogues presents Shigeo Otake: A Dim Cozy Room, the first major monograph dedicated to the Japanese artist and research scientist, and to the fantastical creatures—part human, part fungi—who populate his wondrous paintings. Featuring 64 of color plates, 38 color photographs from Otake’s field research, as well as an essay by the artist, this book illuminates the evolution of his eerie visions across his four-decade career—visions in which, to use his words, “the ordinary and the otherworldly coexist.”

Otake had already been painting strange, near-mythical characters when a casual encounter with a large wild mushroom not only sparked his lifelong devotion to mycology but also seeded in his mind an unsettling picture of the end of civilization. As he writes, it was the parasitic cordyceps, “forms so bizarre that they surpassed the furthest reaches of my imagination and thoroughly captivated me,” that prompted him to imagine a future in which these mushrooms melded with human bodies and minds, creating a brand new species with a hybrid consciousness. His giddy yet mournful paintings feature people whose heads are sprouting tentacular fungi or capped with mushrooms where hair would otherwise be; scenes of both parades and funerals for these weird creatures; and flowerpots from which the new generations grow tall.

Like the Italian and Spanish Medieval and Renaissance religious art he studied as a young man, Otake’s paintings are rendered with a precise hand and in lively compositions and muted jewel-like palettes that infuse his works with the aura of the sacred. Inspired also by the mad whimsy of Hieronymus Bosch and the carnivalesque landscapes Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Otake’s playful grotesqueries seize the viewer’s attention in order to elicit a moment’s contemplation—regarding our fate and the fate of natural world.

by Shigeo Otake

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,000  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9798893423655

184 pages
229 x 273 mm