BRUCE NAUMAN (2021) by Bruce Nauman

アメリカ人アーティスト、ブルース・ナウマン(Bruce Nauman)の作品集。2020年10月から2021年2月にかけてロンドンの「テート・モダン(Tate Modern)」で開催された展覧会に伴い刊行された。本書は、20世紀と21世紀において独自の道を切り開いた作者の活動を豊富な図版で紹介する。

この展覧会は、作者の音、映像、没入型インスタレーションの実験に焦点を当てており、1980年代から1990年代に制作されたビデオ作品、スタジオ活動、最近の作品に関するテキストや、本展の共同キュレーションを担当したアンドレア・リッソーニ(Andrea Lissoni)、ニコラス・セロータ(Nicholas Serota)と作者との対談で構成されている。


Accompanying a momentous exhibition at Tate Modern, this richly illustrated catalogue reveals Nauman as an artist who has uniquely blazed a trail in both the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Focusing in particular on his experiments with sound, the moving image and immersive installations, this exhibition book comprises texts on Nauman’s video works of the 1980s and 1990s, as well as on his studio practice and more recent work, along with a conversation between the artist and Andrea Lissoni and Nicholas Serota.

Since the late 1960s Bruce Nauman has established a completely new understanding of contemporary art and has been acknowledged as one of the most relevant artists of the twentieth century. Both the last modern artist and – because of his ceaseless experimental approach to new media – the very first contemporary artist, Nauman has been noted for his landmark conceptual approach.

Henriette Huldisch is Chief Curator and Director of Curatorial Affairs at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. Andrea Lissoni is Artistic Director of the Haus der Kunst, Munich, and former Senior Curator, International Art (Film) at Tate Modern.

Nicholas Serota is Chair of Arts Council England, and former Director of Tate.

Joan Simon is an independent curator and editor.

Katy Wan is Assistant Curator at Tate Modern.

by Bruce Nauman

REGULAR PRICE ¥5,720 (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781849767187

176 pages
210 x 265 mm

published by TATE PUBLISHING

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