SOUVENIR ST. MORITZ #3 by Colin Dodgson

スイスの高級リゾート地、サンモリッツに毎年1人のアーティストを迎え、滞在制作した作品を元に作品集を発表する年刊式プロジェクトSOUVENIR』。第3号は、ロンドンを拠点に活動するアメリカ人フォトグラファー、コリン・ダッジソン(Colin Dodgson)。作者は伝統的な暗室プリント技術を復活させたロンドンのムーブメントにおける中心的存在であり、その作品は、軽妙なユーモアに溢れ、自然界へのロマンチックな視点が特徴的である。自身の人生と密接に関連しながら多彩なテーマを写し、空想と現実の間を行き来するような作品を有無。作家活動の傍ら、世界有数の出版社からファッションシューティングとポートレート撮影の依頼も受けており、近年では「STÜSSY(ステューシー)」の2020年春のキャンペーンビジュアル、各界の著名人のポートレイトなどを手がけるなど幅広い分野で活躍する。本書は作家の独特な色調と自然光の捉え方が充分に感じられる1冊となっている。

SOUVENIR is a yearly publication showcasing one artist’s take on St. Moritz. Third out is Colin Dodgson.

Colin Dodgson (b. 1984) is an American photographer who lives and works in California and London.

A leading force among the London movement that resurrected the use of traditional darkroom printing techniques, his work is characterized by wry humor and a romanticized view of the natural world. Through diverse subject matter closely linked to his own life, his exploration of the inexplicable and unbelievable walks the line between fantasy and reality. His unique color palette and use of natural light have become the visual signatures of his work.

Along side his artistic practice, he is routinely commissioned by some of the leading publications in the world to produce both fashion and portrait shoots. Some of his past subjects have included former Vice President of the United States Al Gore, the actress Tilda Swinton, and the composer Stephen Sondheim, among many others.

He has held exhibitions in New York, Los Angeles, and Marseille, and routinely holds “Open Studio” exhibitions in his London studio. His most recent book Deeper Green was published in collaboration with the World Land Trust, a conservation group aimed to protect the planets most threatened natural habitats.

by Colin Dodgson , ST. MORITZ

REGULAR PRICE ¥8,580  (tax incl.)


100 pages
281 x 205 mm
limited edition of 500 copies

published by ST. MORITZ