SHAZAM by Richie Shazam

アメリカ人モデル、アーティスト、活動家であるリッチー・シャザム(Richie Shazam)の作品集。イギリスの出版社兼書店「IDEA」がこれまで手掛けてきたタイトルの中でも、最もエキサイティングで、超感覚的で、超視覚的にまとめられた一冊と言えるだろう。作者は、思い通りの本を作る自由を与えられた。アーティストの中には、このような大きすぎる課題に圧倒されるかもしれないが、作者はそうではない。その創造性、個性、イメージ群は本書に収まらないほどである。それは、まるで荷物が溢れ出してしまったスーツケースであり、ニューヨークへ向かい人生を再スタートさせるために必要なものがすべて詰まっている。アメリカ人俳優、モデルであり作者の親友であるジュリア・フォックス(Julia Fox)による序文を収録し、表紙デザインをアーティストのジャスティン・ヘイガー(Justin Hager)、スタイリングをブリアナ・アンダロール(Briana Andalore)が手がけている。


これは、私が自分のアイデンティティを取り戻し、レンズの力を回収し、写真のスキルを披露し、私のストーリーを全て伝えることができるようになったというものなのよ。権力者に対する『F U(エフ・ユー)』のようなもの。『エボニー(アフリカ系アメリカ人向けの月刊誌)』が 『フレーバー・オブ・ザ・ウィーク(Flavor Of The Week)』をやっていたように、私は毎週、みんなのフレーバーであり続ける。私は何でもできるのよ。

私の創造的な脳は、すべてのことを可能にしている。それは私の声であり、私の目である。私はワンストップショップで、何でもできる機械である。そして、私は機械でありたい!女の子は十倍頑張らないとね。私はそれを活用しているのよ。だから、この本は地獄のような赤で覆われているーー『地獄の本 』だよ!



そして、作者のパートナーであり映像作家のベン・ドラギ(Ben Draghi)も数々の写真に登場する。





SHAZAM is a book by and about Richie Shazam. It is easily the most exciting, extra-sensory, super-visually energized book IDEA has ever made. Richie was given total freedom to make her book whatever she wanted it to be. Some artists can be overwhelmed by such an open briefnot Richie. Her creativity, personality and imagery are barely contained by the hardback covers. Its the suitcase you have to sit on to zip it up: its everything you would ever need to head off to New York City and re-start your life.

For Richie, having been disowned by her biological family, the book is a celebration of the creative family and artistic haven she has built around her. The sanctuary of the studio allowed her to strip away all protective armours and create freely, together, in the moment, without boundaries or rules. The characters are part fantasy, part Richies authentic self, all coming to life through a complex yet spontaneous collaborative process:

This is me reclaiming my identity, taking back the power of the lens and showcasing my skill for photography, being able to tell all my stories. It is almost a F U to the powers beyond. Like, Ebony Magazine used to do Flavor Of The Week’—I am always going to be the flavor in everyones mouth, every week. I can do anything.

Richie is going against the idea of being a multi-hyphenate:

My creative brain allows me to do all of these things. It is my voice, my eyes. Im a one-stop shop, Im a machine that can do anything. And I want to be a machine! The girls gotta work ten times harder. I have tapped into it. I am always gonna be working whether its behind the scenes or in front of the camera: thats why this book is covered in that hellish redits the hell book!

The book is political, of course it is, but it is America that has made it so oppositional.

The book launches on the brink of Pride and Pride this year has to be a protest, because everything has gone quite draconian on a global level against queer individuals. I want the book to highlight the beauty of family and community especially during these strenuous, horrible times where our rights are being stripped away and they are trying to kill usbut not kill our spirits. The book is essential now as the queer utopia /dystopia: this is us, were here and we are going to constantly be ten steps ahead. You need to find your tribe of people who will support you and help you to... exist.

And then there is Richies partner Ben Draghisome of the best photographs feature them both together.

Its such an honor to create intimately with my partner and to help bring her vision to life. I feel this book is quintessentially Richie, it really captures the uniqueness of her spirit. Its chaos, and all the beauty that ensues. Making things in the pursuit of beauty, of something new and true. And then making sense of it all afterwards. Letting fantasy take the wheel. Ben Draghi

Excerpt from Julia Foxs foreword:

As I sit down to write this foreword, I cannot help but feel a sense of pride in being given the opportunity to introduce you to Richie Shazam, although lets be real, she needs no introduction.

In this book, you will have the opportunity to experience a glimpse into the mind of a complex multi-dimensional creative spirit. You will be transported on a journey of self-discovery, transformation, and creative evolution. You will see firsthand the power of living free from the shackles of societal norms, and the infinite beauty that results in defying the binary.”

by Richie Shazam

REGULAR PRICE ¥13,200  (tax incl.)

176 pages
240 x 330 mm
limited edition of 1,000 copies


published by IDEA