ONE PICTURE BOOK #67: SOME INSECTS by Terri Weifenbach

国際的写真家集団「マグナム・フォト」正会員を務めるアメリカ人フォトグラファー、ジム・ゴールドバーグ(Jim Goldberg)の作品集。アメリカの出版社「NAZRAELI PRESS」が手がけるプリント付き作品集シリーズ『ONE PICTURE BOOK』の第84巻。

アーティストによるオリジナル作品を手軽に購入できるよう1998年に同出版社によって考案されたこのシリーズは、各タイトル500部限定発行、装丁やページ数が統一された手に取りやすいサイズで作られており、サイン入りのオリジナルプリントが書籍に添付されている。本シリーズは2016年に100タイトルで完結し、続編としてリニューアルした『ONE PICTURE BOOK TWO』へと移行している。


The Nazraeli Press One Picture Book series was launched ten years ago with a small book by Terri Weifenbach, who now contributes again to the series with her whimsical, surreal series "Some Insects". The book features five spreads, each comprising a full frame image on one side, with enlargements of key details on the facing page. A very limited quantity of A/P copies are available at this price.

NAZRAELI PRESS' popular One Picture Book series was conceived in 1998 as a way to make original artwork affordable. The series consists of uniformly designed, modestly-sized hardcover books, comprising 16 pages that serve as a “canvas” for the artist to display one cohesive body of work. Each title is limited to 500 numbered copies and includes an original tipped-in photograph, signed on the verso by the artist. The One Picture Book series ended in 2016 with its 100th title and has now moved to a new upgraded One Picture Book Two series.

*Please note, This is NOT NUMBERED edition, but A.P. (Artist Proof)

by Terri Weifenbach

REGULAR PRICE ¥41,800  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781590053034

including a print signed by Terri Weifenbach
print: 76 x 116 mm

16 pages
145 x 186 mm
limited edition of 500 copies


published by NAZRAELI PRESS