帰途 / KITO by Masako Tomiya [SPECIAL EDITION]


わたしとは何か、 この世界とは何か、とか、 そんなことを考えながら生きてきた。 永いあいだ答えが出ないまま彷徨って、

月日は流れ続けていたのか、 それとも記憶のような夢だったのか。
これは、時間も意味もわたしも超えて、 「わたし」を見つめた物語である。

対談:富谷昌子 (写真家)× タカザワケンジ(写真評論家)

Masako Tomiya is a photographer originally from the region of Aomori, north Japan. She has lived in Tokyo for years, and one day, she received news that her 2 family members, who live near her hometown, were both pregnant. This news inspired Tomiya’s series Kito, a reflection on identity, family, transmission and the passing of time.

Kito” means “homeward” in Japanese. Inverted, “toki” takes on a completely different meaning: “time”. In her poetic series, Tomiya plays with this dual sense. Her reflective photographic journey is undertaken with a subtle meditation on nature, and its seasonal transformation, alongside a representation of human life through women. Tomiya stages self-portraits and captures the daily lives of her family, to explore how her sense of home has altered with time.

I’ve lived my life asking myself
“What am I? What is this world?”
For a long time, I wandered without answers, and before I knew it I was older.
Had time flown by, or was it all a dream resembling a memory?
This story transcends time and meaning and self
by staring down the idea of “myself.”
-Masako Tomiya

CONVERSATION:帰途 / KITO by Masako Tomiya(Photographer)x Kenji Takazawa(Photography Critic)

by Masako Tomiya

REGULAR PRICE ¥68,200 (tax incl.)

ISBN: 979-10-96383-02-3

hardcover in a handmade box
including a print

80 pages
220 x 270 mm
black and white
limited edition of 10 copies


published by CHOSE COMMUNE