ONE PICTURE BOOK TWO #44: TO UTAH 85 by Sage Sohier
アメリカ人フォトグラファー、セイジ・ソアー(Sage Sohier)の作品集。アメリカの出版社「NAZRAELI PRESS」が手がけるプリント付き作品集シリーズ『ONE PICTURE BOOK TWO』の第44巻。
全100タイトルをもって完結した『ONE PICTURE BOOK』のアップグレード版である本シリーズ『ONE PICTURE BOOK TWO』は、装丁、サイズともにリニューアル。各タイトル500部限定発行、約127x178mm(約5x7インチ)のサイン入りプリントが付属し、前作と同様100タイトルで完結予定。
For her books of photographs from the 1980s, Americans Seen and Passing Time, Sage Sohier photographed primarily east of the Mississippi. But in 1985, when she drove through the Midwest to Utah and Idaho, it took her a while to figure out how to use her wide angle lens on the open skies and relatively treeless landscapes of the West. She became intrigued by how people looked in new housing developments with trampolines in backyards and distant mountain views.
To Utah 85 presents 11 photographs from this road trip west.
Sage Sohier has received a Guggenheim fellowship and has published eight monographs. She has exhibited widely and her work is in many permanent collections, including the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, and the Portland Art Museum.
One Picture Book Two: an upgraded, upscaled follow-up to NAZRAELI PRESS' much-loved One Picture Book series of artists’ books. Each title is limited to 500 numbered copies, and includes a removable, signed, original print measuring approximately 5x7 inches. The books are slightly larger than those in the original series, with a fresh design and upgraded materials.