ロサンゼルス生まれの日系アメリカ人アーティスト、イサム・ノグチ(Isamu Noguchi)の作品集。彫刻家、造園家、作庭家、インテリアデザイナー、舞台芸術家と、分野を横断して活動したそのキャリアを概観した決定版的作品集。ヨーロッパでは20年ぶりとなる、作者の大規模な巡回回顧展に伴い刊行された。
一連のエッセイでは、二重の生い立ちと国籍を持つ葛藤、日系アメリカ人としての体験、世界を跨いで旅した経験と多様な影響を考察し、その世界観の中心にある「調和と不調和」というテーマを探求している。また、デザイナーのバックミンスター・フラー(Buckminster Fuller)、モダンダンス界のパイオニアのマーサ・グレアム(Martha Graham)、建築家のルイス・カーン(Louis Kahn)など、様々な分野のクリエーターとのコラボレーションも見ることができる。
展覧会は2021年9月を皮切りに、ロンドン「バービカン・センター(Barbican Centre)」、ケルン「ルートヴィヒ美術館(Museum Ludwig)」、ベルン「パウルクレー・センター(Zentrum Paul Klee)」を巡回する。
Certain to become the definitive book on Noguchi’s multidisciplinary career, this publication accompanies the first major touring European exhibition on the Japanese-American artist in twenty years.
Encompassing the entirety of Isamu Noguchi’s work in sculpture, ceramics, photography, architecture, design, as well as the artist’s playscapes, gardens and stage sets for modern dance and theatre performance, this survey explores Noguchi’s creative process and lesser-known aspects of his practice, his engagement with a wide range of mediums and cultures, and his innovative achievements over six decades. Brimming with imagery and contributions from an international range of authors, this book helps readers grasp the diversity and patterns of Noguchi’s work both in situ and in galleries. Archival photographs of the artist’s studios offer glimpses into his experimental attitude towards sculpture. Themes of harmony and dissonance, which were central to his practice, are explored in a series of essays that consider the artist’s dual heritage, the Japanese American experience, his worldwide travel and his many influences. It also pays tribute to Noguchi’s fruitful collaborations with creatives from a range of industries, such as R. Buckminster Fuller, Martha Graham and Louis Kahn. Throughout the monograph Noguchi’s own words provide a critical backdrop towards understanding an artist who embraced many schools of thought, and whose entire life and career set an example for partnership and cooperation across artistic, political and cultural boundaries.
Florence Ostende on 'Noguchi', Barbican Art Gallery | White Cube by White Cube on YouTube