ECHOES FROM THE BORDERLANDS by Valeria Luiselli, Ricardo Giraldo & Leo Heiblum
メキシコ系アメリカ人作家、ヴァレリア・ルイセリ(Valeria Luiselli)とコロンビア出身の音響、現代クラシック音楽、展示デザインを手掛けるディレクター、リカルド・ジラルド(Ricardo Giraldo)、メキシコ出身の作曲家、プロデューサー、サウンドアーティスト、レオ・ヘイブルム(Leo Heiblum)の作品集。太平洋からメキシコ湾に至るアメリカとメキシコの国境地帯の歴史を探求する、サウンド・スタディーズを記録した一冊。2024年12月から2025年3月までニューヨークの「ディア・チェルシー(Dia Chelsea)」で開催された展覧会に伴い刊行された。
A publication chronicling a new sound art project led by the bestselling author of Lost Children Archive and The Story of My Teeth, Valeria Luiselli, with Ricardo Giraldo and Leo Heiblum.
Echoes from the Borderlands is a timely, poignant exploration of the US–Mexico border, its flora, fauna and mix of urban and natural landscapes. In this series of sound studies, Valeria Luiselli, Ricardo Giraldo and Leo Heiblum deploy deep research and multiple sonic layers—field recordings, archival materials, interviews and deft compositional choices—to examine issues such as genocide, reproductive rights, environmental destruction and more. In Study One: Call You When I Get Home, readers are taken on a journey from the Pacific Ocean near San Diego and Tijuana to West Texas, encountering Indigenous peoples, tourists, miners, historical reenactors and contemporary thinkers, along with a chorus of imagined personas who provide insightful commentary along the way. Readers can engage with this sonic documentary-fiction through the libretto featured in this chapbook and, for an immersive experience, listen to the audio via an embedded QR code.