スペイン人アーティスト、ジョアン・ミロ(Joan Miró)の作品集。2020年1月から2月までニューヨークの「アクアヴェッラ・ギャラリー(Acquavella Galleries)」で開催された展覧会に伴い刊行された。作者の彫刻作品に焦点を当てており、特に自然からインスピレーションを得て制作されたものが多く含まれる。

私の彫刻が、自然の要素 – 木、岩、根、山、植物、花に溶け込みますように」– ジョアン・ミロ


作者が彫刻に専念するようになったのは、その輝かしいキャリアの後半になってからのことであり、第二次世界大戦後に初めて自立式の彫刻作品を作った時であった。友人であり陶芸作家のジョセップ・リョレンス・イ・アルティガス(Josep Llorens Artigas)と共に陶芸に取り組んだのち、作者はまず粘土で最初の彫刻作品を作り、それをブロンズに鋳造した。その作品の中で作者は、自然界とカタルーニャの田園地帯との間に見出した自身の中での深い結びつきを讃えるような、幻想的かつ生き物や植物のような有機的な造形を制作した。


当時の展覧会では、マヨルカの海辺、カタルーニャの田園地帯、バルセロナ郊外・ムンロッチの実家など、作者の制作キャリアに関わってきた場所の風景を彫刻作品の背景に飾り、ギャラリーは生涯を通じてインスピレーションを与えてきた景色を作品に文脈づけるよう努めた。また、ムンロッチの家は、父親の屋敷「マス・ミロ(Mas Miró)」として知られ、作者が持っていた3つのアトリエのうちの1つであり、2018年に一般公開された。

Art catalog documenting the sculptural work of Joan Miró. Particularly works inspired by nature.

May my sculptures be confused with the elements of nature, trees, rocks, roots, mountains, plants, flowers.” —Joan Miro

We are delighted to present this exhibition of twenty-three bronze sculptures by Joan Miró. Though we have exhibited work by Miró for decades, this is our first show dedicated to the artist's work in sculpture.

It was not until late in Miró's storied career that he devoted himself to the medium of sculpture, making his first freestanding works after World War II. After working in ceramics with his friend Josep Llorens Artigas, Miró modeled his first sculptures in clay which were then cast in bronze. In these works, Miró created fantastical, biomorphic figures that celebrated the natural world and his deep connection to the Catalan countryside.

In 1949, Miró found a new direction that would galvanize his sculptural practice and guide much of his later work in the medium. He had long enjoyed collecting objects on his country walks, and one day, while walking in Mont-roig, he came across a rock which, when he brought it back to his studio, he reimagined as a head and later had cast in bronze. Miró then began imaginatively and spontaneously combining his found objects to create assemblages, transforming the elements into poetic and suggestive sculptures that would be cast in bronze. With their origins in the natural world, Miró intended for his sculptures to be one with the landscape. He declared, "May my sculptures be confused with the elements of nature, trees, rocks, roots, mountains, plants, flowers." Throughout his career, Miró's profound connection with the landscape, first at the small Catalan town of Mont-roig and later at Mallorca, decisively influenced his life and work.

In the exhibition, they have endeavored to contextualize Miró's sculptures in the landscape that so inspired him, placing the works against panoramic views of the Mallorcan seaside, the Catalan countryside, and his family's home outside Barcelona in Mont-roig, where Miró worked throughout his career. The Mont-roig farmhouse, known as the Mas Miró, which includes one of the artist's three preserved studios, opened to the public in 2018.

by Joan Miró

REGULAR PRICE ¥9,900  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9780998115689

114 pages
252 x 311 mm
color, black and white