アメリカ人フォトグラファー、ラリー・フィンク(Larry Fink)の作品集。1980年にシアトル美術館から助成を受けた当時、「私の守護星が昇り始めたところでした。私は呼ばれたのです。」と作者は語った。その時既に自分自身も山男のような存在となっていたが、ワシントン州西部のオリンピック半島を覆う原生林に分け入って巨木を切り倒すという厳しい仕事を生業とするたくましい男たちの写真を撮り出したのはごく自然な流れであった。被写体に選んだのは、どこにも属さずに少数の男たちを集めて独立して伐採を行う「ジッポ・ロガー(gyppo logger)」のデイヴィ―・マッカードル(Davey McCardle)だったが、本シリーズの制作においてこの人物は大きな役割を果たすこととなった。

片手にフラッシュ、20㎏弱もある重たい荷物を背負い、Mamiya C330と Leica M2を持って山に入った私は、一瞬先がどうなるのかもわからない毎日を送っていました。こっちに向かって転がってくる丸太を飛び越え、足元の割れ目や蛇をよけながら、伐採の様子を撮影しました。



In 1980, the American photographer Larry Fink received a grant from the Seattle Museum of Art, or as he tells the story, ‘My star was starting to rise. I was called’ and so, already a logger of sorts himself, Fink made a natural transition into photographing the rugged breed of men who selectively pillaged the deep, virgin forest of the Olympic Peninsula, in western Washington. Fink was assigned to ‘a gyppo logger’ Davey McCardle, who would prove a significant character in the story of making ‘Opening the Sky’. Fink recalls, ‘Back up the mountain with a flash in hand and a bag of forty pounds, a Mamiya C330 and a Leica M2 as my cameras, I was living a tentative life, jumping over logs rolling at me and sidestepping crevices and snakes, at the same time photographing the logging.

Think of the sound from the back of a long tunnel. A whooooosh and slow silent rumble, then the gnawing ra-ta- tat-ta of the saw. Its whine, searing as is lacerates three hundred and fifty years of slow time growth with quick time destruction or production. Finally a great aching arch, a crack, a whir, and a long dark roar. Gravity takes its toll, hallow of time, silence then. A silence without time. The massive tree settled in a bed of mosses, ripped and startled into submission. Looking through a camera is not looking at danger in the same way as straight on.

The resulting images, published in a beautiful limited edition hard back cloth covered book, are majestic, poetic and fearless — Fink at his finest.

by Larry Fink

REGULAR PRICE ¥7,480  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 978-0-956992-23-9

112 pages
248 x 292 mm
black and white
limited edition of 1,000 copies

published by STANLEY/BARKER