NEST by Tarik Kiswanson

パレスチナ出身のスウェーデン人アーティスト、タリク・キスワンソン(Tarik Kiswanson)の作品集。本書は2022年2月から5月にかけてスウェーデンの「ハッランド美術館(Hallands Konstmuseum)」で開催された展覧会に伴い刊行された。


作者は、フランスの現代アートシーンの国際的な促進を目的とした、「フランス現代美術国際化推進会(ADIAF  / Association for the International Dissemination of French Art)」主催の2023年「マルセル・デュシャン賞」の受賞者である。

Palestinian Swedish artist Tarik Kiswanson explores rootlessness, regeneration, and renewal in a body of work that encompasses sculpture, writing, performance, drawing, sound, and video art. Published on the occasion of Nest, his exhibition at Hallands Konstmuseum, this volume reflects the diversity of his practice and deep engagement with the poetics of métissage: a means of writing and surviving between multiple conditions and contexts. His work, which he describes as “the border, the window, between the iris and the world outside,” offers a cosmology of related conceptual families, each exploring themes like refraction, disintegration, levitation, hybridity, and polyphony through its own distinct language. Kiswanson’s investigations of displacement and interstitiality specifically relate to what is lost and what is gained among first-generation migrants.

by Tarik Kiswanson

REGULAR PRICE ¥7,920  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9788867495269

134 pages
225 x 340 mm
color, black and white